Secondhand smork might kill…
But don`t let that stop you from being the first to own Smorkin` Labbit Series 3. Frank Kozik`s third installment triples the labbitude in this blindbox series.
Labbity goodness up, out and through all 1 and a 1/2 dozen 45 millimeter designs.
Is your Labbit collection complete?!?
Frank Kozik created some of the most jaw-dropping rock posters EVER, single-handedly reviving this lost art. It is only fitting this rock-star of designer toys is renknown, celebrated and worshipped the world over. Mastermind of Labbits, Mongers and all things smorkin` – if you don`t know Kozik, you don`t know $!@.
Frank is really great guy and was kind enough to give us a kick ass down to earth interview. Click here to learn more about this amazing artist.
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