Knowing how to make extra room in your luggage is the mark of a true traveller and with Rolitoboy, you can cheat� the model’s head can be detached from its body and used for storage! Indeed, you can fit the small figure’s whole body into the space where its brain should be. This is very much the essence of Rolito Boy, who has been conceived as a being with a kind of strongbox for a brain, in which can be packed everything needed to keep the world secure. The brainchild ‘literally’ of French design group Semper-Fi, Rolitoboy and his collaborators, such as Colette and DevilRobots, are now celebrated in a publication title Rolioboy Mini book that features the entire collection and takes you deep into the Rolitoland Universe that it is the mission of these canny creatures to protect. Moral? You cannot tell what goes on inside someone�s head merely from their appearance.
Included 52 “Delicious Various Poison” by 52 contributors:
Alfred & Silvia, Andrew Brandou, Bwing, Carlos Nine, Chick/semper-fi, Christan Montenegro, Dalek, Danyboy/semper-fi, Dehara Yukinori, Devilrobots, Fons Schiedon, Furi Fri Company, Gary Baseman, Geneviéve Gauckler, Haze XXL/OX-OP, Izumi Iwasa/Devilrobos, Jaime Hayon, Jeremyville, El Rotringo, Joe Vaux, Johnny Yanok, John Burgermon, Jordin Isip, Kantl, Kenzi Murabayashi, Kuntzel+deygas for Colette, La Luciole, Lewis Trondheim, Elizabeth Mc Grath. Mad Barbarians, Manu Larcenet, Melinda Beck, Mike Burnett, Nonospore, Nathan Jurevicius/Scarygirl, Nekonoko, Nienke Klunder, Oksana Badrak, Phunkstudio, Rinzen, Run/Semper-Fi, Sam Hiti, Sarah Mc Colgan, Scien/123Klan, Shinichiro Kitai/Devilrobots, Strictly Kev/Dj Food, Sun-Min Kim & David Horvath/Uglydoll, Sébastien Roux/Superdeux, Tim Biskup, Touma, Wrecks, JD for Yoyamart, Yuck
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