Bill the Yeti, created by David Lanham, produced by Strangekiss!
Bill the Yeti Bundle (Lanham, Kozik, MAD)
Getting all of the Bill the Yeti Egos to mix and match and have Yeti wars. For a limited time save $10.00 when buying all THREE!
Walking around the forest, woods or any place less traveled while in a constant state of amazement, Bill loves just looking at the ground and counting bugs or climbing trees for better views. People love to stop and take his photo (although sometimes he’s a little shy about it), but Bill prefers the quiet life of discovery and exploration.
Unless one of his multiple personalities takes over… Special Alter Egos by Frank Kozik and MAD.
Mantra Bill by Frank Kozik.
Mantra Bill by Frank Kozik is one of the Alter Egos of Bill the Yeti by David Lanham. Mantra Bill is on a mission but is conflicted with his own beliefs as he must struggle between his duty and the calling of his own inner peace! We just wonder if there is a platoon of Mantra Yetis following in the distance.
Gangsta Bill Yeti by MAD – Skin Deep Version.
Gangsta Bill is always down to tag any wall our cause trouble. Gangsta Bill is fully tattooed from head to foot and proudly wears his black bandana to show where he is from. We asked him in an interview and all he said was “92nd Street Fool”.
Just like the other Alter Egos, you can take of all his clothing and put it in the backpack. Gangsta Bill was last seen somewhere in Hollywood.
Images of Bill wandering and exploring.
Images of Gangsta Bill – Whereabouts Unknown.
Images of Mantra Bill – On a Mission.
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