Acid Sweeties by DOMA


Take a trip to the psycho-tropics! Just don`t drink the water… Heh!

From Argentina, where suave desserts keep company with nauseous oil barrels and 3-D lightning bolts, street art and design collective DOMA firmly plants one foot in reality and the other in psycho-tropics. Acid Sweeties, their first blind box mini figure series, is an absurd medley of happy colors and bright characters.

15 vibrant (and somewhat socially enigmatic) residents inhabit a wide eyed universe where toy oddities come out of the woodwork, brightly colored antics are the norm, and a token nod to making sense is about all your going to get.

Enjoy a plastic anomaly while your there, just don`t drink the water…. you`ll be up for hours.

With a long line of brilliant plush toys, Argentine design collective DOMA takes a swing at their first fully designed blind box mini series and created something….. unusual and appealing to say the least.

If you love artists from Argentina, then check out Martin Laksman’s Prints, Argentina is coming up with great pieces.

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Take a trip to the psycho-tropics! Just don`t drink the water… Heh!

From Argentina, where suave desserts keep company with nauseous oil barrels and 3-D lightning bolts, street art and design collective DOMA firmly plants one foot in reality and the other in psycho-tropics. Acid Sweeties, their first blind box mini figure series, is an absurd medley of happy colors and bright characters.

15 vibrant (and somewhat socially enigmatic) residents inhabit a wide eyed universe where toy oddities come out of the woodwork, brightly colored antics are the norm, and a token nod to making sense is about all your going to get.

Enjoy a plastic anomaly while your there, just don`t drink the water…. you`ll be up for hours.

With a long line of brilliant plush toys, Argentine design collective DOMA takes a swing at their first fully designed blind box mini series and created something….. unusual and appealing to say the least.

If you love artists from Argentina, then check out Martin Laksman’s Prints, Argentina is coming up with great pieces.

Additional information

Weight 0.50 lbs


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